Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Mushroom

Welcome back, everyone! Today, we'll be discussing a new Blender project *drum roll* THE MUSHROOM. And this isn't one of your ordinary mushrooms, folks. We're making A SUPER MARIO MUSHROOM! Hopefully .__. I have yet to finish the project so I hope it'll turn out great. (Praying that my Blender skills get me a legit looking Super Mario Mushroom)

With that, let us begin! And no, this will not be an interview because Jim is already on Spring Break. Lucky.

Question numero uno:
What are the following: Triangle Fan, XYZ Points, UV Points, UV Wrap, UV Image Editor?

- Triangle Fan: This was added to our cylinder to change its top, making it easier to distort and manipulate. The new top had triangular faces that all met at one point. Later, we used this Triangle Fan to create our mushroom's cap.

- XYZ Points: XYZ points are used for 3D objects. Obviously, with a 3D mushroom, we had to change these points to 0 so our mushroom would look more authentic.

- UV Points: I have come to believe that this is XYZ's alter ego. UV points are used when you convert a 3D object to a 2D image. In fact, we did this - which, by the way, was pretty legit to me. I won't spoil it for you so don't worry! That part is coming soon.

- UV Wrap: Wow, this basically dismantled our object in another window (Again, I will not spoil it). This part scared the fudge out of me! I thought I lost the object. Anywho, UV Wrap dismantles your object in "said window" so you can see the whole object! It's just that the parts are all splayed out like a dinner table on Thanksgiving.

- UV Image Editor: THIS is "said window"! We used this to convert our 3D object into an image, thus creating those UV points. And, we manipulated this object through this editor by messing around with the UV Wrap.
Awesome looking mushroom in the process!

Question #2:
How do you use the lamp? Like really, how?

- First of all, Blender must be open and you MUST be at the part I'm talking about. From there, you can start placing your lamps! Simply, switch on over to Object mode, hover your mouse pointer on the right screen (literally the right screen), and hold down Shift + A. There, you'll see some options. Go down to lamp, and select the "point" lamp. You can put as many as you want!

Question of all Questions:
What are two methods of wrapping you used in creating this model?

- Like everyone else, I used Smart UV and Cylinder Projection. According to, Smart UV "breaks the mesh into islands based on an angle threshold". Cylinder Projection, on the other hand, "projects UVs onto a cylindrical surface" (I mean, that was pretty obvious. The name was derived from it)

That's all for today, folks!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My Video Tutorials! (Part 2)

This is my 2nd video tutorial! Originally, I was supposed to create an opening pokeball, HOWEVER my laptop couldn't handle the awesomeness, soooo I created something simpler for everyone! Presenting, Text With An Awesome Bright Background!

Steps for this wonderful project:

1.      Delete cube
2.      Shift + A –> Select Text
3.      R –> X –> 90
4.      Tab to edit mode
5.      Enter own text
6.      Tab to object mode
7.      Object Data –> Extrude Value = .1; Bevel Depth = .02; Resolution = 3
8.      Scroll down to paragraph section
9.      Change letter spacing to 1.4
10.  Go to material
11.  Click new
12.  Change to cycles render
13.  Select use nodes button –> anisotropic BSDF –> choose color (red)
14.  Set roughness to .2
15.  Change to orthographic View
16.  Switch to front view
17.  Zoom in
18.  Shift + A –> Mesh –> Plane
19.  Press S –> 15 –> Enter
20.  Go to front view
21.  Move plane until it’s under the text.
22.  Set material for floor
23.  Set color (hex = 303030)
24.  Zoom out until you see the lamp
25.  Press G to move lamp to center of text                                                                       
26.  Switch to top view
27.  Move lamp back until it reaches certain distance (length of letters)
28.  Zoom out
29.  Select floor (Right click)
30.  Drag floor so that it overlaps the lamp just a little bit
31.  Rotate view until you see lamp next to the first letter
32.  Select object data
33.  Make sure size is 0.1
34.  Click Use Nodes button –> strength button = 10000
35.  Click rendered to see what it looks like so far
36.  Make sure text is selected (Select up on outline)
37.  Go to modifiers
38.  Select edge split
39.  Go to world button
40.  Change color (hex = 252525)
41.  Save work
42.  Select solid from viewport shading
43.  Select lamp -> shift + s -> cursor to selected
44.  Shift + A -> UV Sphere -> S = .05
45.  Move UV Sphere a little behind the lamp
46.  Set material for it
47.  Change material type to Emission -> Strength = 1000
48.  Switch to camera view
49.  Lock camera view -> Press N ->  Lock camera to view (checkmark) -> press N again
50.  Shift + A -> Empty -> Plain Axes
51.  Switch to front view
52.  Position object at center of word (Move blue and red arrows)
53.  Switch to right view
54.  Zoom out so you can see text and object
55.  Position object at center of text (green arrow)
56.  Switch to camera view
57.  Select camera (Outliner at the top)
58.  Go to constraint -> add object constraint
59.  Select track to -> select empty -> click -Z button & up value = Y
60.  Rotate view until lamp is on right side of text (end letter)
61.  Zoom out a little
62.  Select camera -> set frame to 1 -> hover pointer over camera window -> press I
63.  Select location-rotation (loc-rot)
64.  Set frame to 100 (Make sure lamp is between first two letters) -> press I -> select loc-rot
65.  Set end frame to 120
66.  Go to rendered on viewport just to check
67.  Save your work
68.  Go up to screen layout menu –> select compositing –> make sure compositing button is selected at bottom – checkmark use nodes
69.  Expand area by closing panel (N)
70.  Shift + A –> Output –> Viewer
71.  Checkmark backdrop
72.  Connect render layers to viewer
73.  Click render button to see it there
74.  Press V to zoom in (zoom out Alt V) *Optional*
75.  Shift + A –> Converter –> Math (Move over viewer and layers to drop it into place)
76.  Select greater than –> Value = 263
77.  Shift + A –> Filter –> Glare (Drop between math and viewer)
78.  Type = streaks –> iterations = 5 –> threshold = 0 –> streaks = 7 –> Fade = .94
79.  Shift + D to duplicate Glare #1 (Drop between Glare #1 and Viewer)
80.  Streaks = 8 -> Angle offset = 20 –> Fade = .9
81.  Minimize space (Press triangle for glares)
82.  Connect render layers to viewer
83.  Shift + A – color – mix (Drop between layers and composite)
84.  Connect glare to mix (Left side)
85.  Connect mix to viewer (Right side) –> change Mix to Add –> Save your work
86.  Switch back to Default
87.  Click render button -> go down to sampling -> render samples = 50
88.  Go to output section above – select file you want to send it to
89.  Change PNG to OGG Theora
90.  Save work before rendering

If you win in any event, you are allowed
 to celebrate by exclaiming "GET REKT!"
Alright guys, you are the only limitation to this project. It is up to you to be patient and precise. It is also up to you to make your work look CAPITAL B E A UITFUL

*Little side note: Rekt is not an offensive word in this video; It is a geek term synonymous to "win" or "crushing the enemy" 

And with those thoughts in mind, enjoy Blender and save the world.

My Video Tutorials! (Part 1)

I'm back, folks! I have a new blog post for you all! This week, I'll be talking about *drum roll* MY VIDEO TUTORIALS! Yay, what fun! My first video was *second drum roll* DISSOLVE ANIMATION! What's that you say? I already did that? HA, well my dear blender noobs, I never told you the steps to creating dissolve animation. With that, HERE YA GO!

Steps for Creating Dissolve Animation
*Warning: This will eat up your time, energy, patience, and battery life. If you have the guts to move on, please proceed*

1. Set the material for the cube. 
2. Select the cube by clicking on it. 
3. Select the material button. 
4. We’re going to keep Diffuse BSDF, but I’ll change the color to red (you can change it to any other colour) 
5. Rename the cube and move it out of the way so it’s off the grid. I am now switching to orthographic mode.
6. Select the cube > Click on the material button
7. Next, I will add the text. Hold down Shift + A and click Text. 
8. Zoom in so you can see it better. 
9. Rotate by pressing R then X then 90. 
10. Switch to edit mode by pressing Tab. 
11. Use backspace to delete the text, and add in your new text. 
12. Switch back to object mode. Pan your view so you can see the whole word. 
13. Next, select the Object Data button. 
14. Scroll down to geometry and change its extrude value to 0.05; Bevel will be changed to 0.02; Resolution will be 2. 
15. Go to the Material button again, and doll up your text. 
16. I will choose the color red for my text. Now convert your text to mesh by holding down Alt + C – Select Mesh from Curve/Meta/Surf/Text

17. Click your left mouse button to drag the green cursor on the timeline. 
18. Set the frame to 20 by typing in the number, or manually moving the cursor. 
19. Go to the Render button (The camera over here) and change the end value to 135. Make sure that the frame rate is 24 fps (or frames per second).

20. We are now switching back to the text. Select the sparkly icon or the Particle button. 
21. We’re going to add another particle system by clicking new or the plus sign. 
22. We will leave the emission number to 1000, change the start frame to 20, and the end frame to 30. Lifetime will be 100. Faces, Random, Distribution, and Random should be selected. 
23. Click play under the timeline to view your progress. Press pause when you’re finished. 
24. Go back to Particles button, scroll down, and select the object button. Under that, go to Dupli Object and select cube. Change the size down to 0.01 and press play. 
25. Pause the animation, and go down to the Field Weight Section. Set its Gravity to 0 and press play once more to watch the newly enhanced animation.  
26. Scroll up to Velocity. Change the Emitter Geometry to Normal – 0. 
27. Now hold down Shift + A, go to force field, and select turbulence. Drag the red arrow so that it is now in the center of the text. 
28. Go to the Physics button up here and set the Strength to 2.
29. Save your work now.  

30. At this time, select the original text, go to Particle button, and scroll down to the Render section. 31. Reset your animation to Frame 1 (make sure emitter is checked) and hover your mouse pointer over emitter. Press I. This is your 1st key frame. 
32. Set the Time Line to frame 30, hover your pointer over emitter and press I. 
33. Set your Time Line again to frame 31, DESELECT emitter by removing the check, hover your pointer, and press I. 
34. Set the Time Line to frame 70, but this time hover your pointer over Size Value. Press I. 
35. Set the Time Line to frame 130, change the particle size to 0.001, hover over emitter, and press I. Now your particles will totally disappear at frame 130.

36. We will set a plane for the text to sit on. Hold down Shift + A, go to mesh, and select plane. 
37. Move the blue arrow underneath the text. 
38. Scale by pressing S, type in 100, and press Enter. 
39. Set the new material for the plane by clicking the Material button and new. Keep the white colors. 40. Change the Surface to Mix Shader. The 1st Shader should be Diffuse BSDF; 2nd Shader should be Glossy BSDF. Change the glossy shader’s roughness value to 0. Change the FAC value to 0.3.
41. Now go to the Physics button and click Collision

42. Switch to Right Side View by pressing 3, or going down to view and clicking it manually. 
43. Zoom out until you see the lamp. Select it and drag the green arrow 7 – 8 units to the left. 
44. Go to Object Data and change the Lamp Size to 3. Select Use Nodes, Emission, and change strength to 5,000. 
45. We need to lock the camera’s view now so press N, click Lock Camera to View, and press N again. 
46. Now position your text for the camera. We are now going to change the background color to black. 
45. Click the World button. Click on the gray color and change it to black.
46. Select text now. Go up to Particles and change the emission number to 20,000. Set the frame to 1.

47. We’re almost ready to render! Click the Camera button right here, go down to sampling, and change Samples Render to 50. 
48. Go up to the Output section. Click the folder icon, and select a place for your project. Click accept. 
49. Change the file format now. Change the PNG file to OGG Theora. 
50. Save your work before you render! This will take a long time. Click Animation and start rendering!

WOW, so many steps, yet such an easy project for Blender! The only limitation you'd have is Blender itself. I used Blender Version 2.72, so obviously if you follow mine, you'd need the update version of Blender. 

I hope you enjoy, and please tune back in!