Friday, November 21, 2014

Making a Video Tutorial

Welcome back to another segment of *drum roll* DA BLOGS WITH JACKIE! DA as in Digital Arts, guys - not the ghetto "the". Alright, so I actually created a vid tutorial! Please people, contain your excitement. Jokes, I know you want me to continue sooo here's my blog for this week!

Q: What is a video tutorial?
A: Video tutorials are basically videos with people who record themselves and show the world how something's done. A video tutorial should have basic but detailed information so you can create more things in life. I think good vid tutorial examples are DIY's. 

Q: Why do people create video tutorials?
A: Because they need to pass their high school computer classes. Jokes, that's just me and some other people in my class. Well, people create video tutorials because they either love recording themselves doing something OR they want to teach a variety of people worldwide. Some people actually learn more from video tutorials than reading instructions. I guess video tutorials help you see how something's supposed to look like in the end, unlike written instructions - those confuse the poops out of me sometimes. 

Now you're all wondering, "What happened to Jackie's video?". Weeeell, I don't want to show you all my tutorial, so I'll explain it so you get an idea of what it's like! In my video, I basically covered the topic from last time: creating clip art through insects. I created a majestic mainstream ladybug in the span of 16 minutes. My work was quite organized because I gave a step-by-step run through for the whole thing. Also, my voice was clear enough for viewers to understand the instructions. I think viewers can learn from my tutorial because the topic is really simple and I gave specific instructions PLUS shortcuts to make your life easier. You're welcome, people. 

See you later, guys! 

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