Thursday, January 22, 2015

Cloth Napkin Part 2

Alright, so we (classmates and yours truly) were told to create another post, talking about our experiences with Blender. This is how I feel, people.

Will this be on Trivia Crack? 
I'll be brutally honest; Blender is a pain in the behind. There are a lot of things you need to do to create a project as simple as the cloth napkin. It requires patience, diligence, and a lot of your time. I guess I'm not a fan of Blender because I was never interested in Digital Arts. Some people just click from the start, but me? Nope! But even if Blender gives me migraines and stress, it challenges me to think and helps me stay patient (Both of which I need if I want to survive with my energetic classmates). And at the end of every project, you gain more knowledge about Digital Arts and you can see how beautiful the outcome is.

I learned about different commands this week, guys. I had to use things like "solidify", change the view to the "camera's perspective", and animate the whole shindig. After, I was able to "render" my file to get the finished product (Picture attached ^). Oh, and don't forget the terms! Never forget the terms. Well, I knew most of them because I searched them up beforehand so. . . Here's the word of the day! (Sorry, awkward ending. Not good, my bad)

Cycles: A new render engine that is available to Blender Internal. It's a ray tracing based render engine with support for interactive rendering, a new shading node system, new texture workflow, and GPU acceleration.

The more you know. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

The Cloth Napkin

Welcome back, dear children! Sorry, it's been a while. . . Just got back from break, aaaaand I've been preoccupied with my best friends, Netflix and Hulu. Just joking! Well, sort of. Here's this week's topic!~

Q: So, Jackie, how's Inkscape?
A: It's been great! But, Mr.Interviewer, I haven't used Inkscape since last year! (I've moved on to Blender)

Q: Haha, that's funny. Seriously, how's Inkscape?
A: If you were paying ATTENTION, I secretly whispered to the crowd that I've moved on to Blender. And what is Blender you ask? According to their official website, t's a free and open source 3D animation suite. That means ANYONE can use it!

Q: Oh, umm alright. . . Well, I'm searching it up right now, and it looks really complicated. Are there any shortcuts? Mouse shortcuts, in particular?
A: Of course! So there are 3 shortcuts IF you have a mouse.
- Panning: Middle Scroll button + Shift + dragging mouse
- Rotating: Middle Scroll button + dragging mouse around
- Zooming: Scroll the Middle button (obviously, right?)

Q: So can you reflect on this little project for everyone? I mean, we're all curious.
A: Aww, I'm flattered! Well, I learned A LOT about animation and what goes on behind the scenes. I'll tell you this I don't want to be an animator or something. *audible gasp from crowd* Woah, wait, I'm sorry, but it's not my thing! To be honest, it's really interesting and sometimes I get challenged; but I swear, there will never be a time where I don't have a migraine while working on such projects. I know I've probably discouraged all of you, but I promise, if you are totally into Digital Arts, you'll have DA fun time ;D

Happy New Year, guys! Talk to ya soon!