Friday, January 16, 2015

The Cloth Napkin

Welcome back, dear children! Sorry, it's been a while. . . Just got back from break, aaaaand I've been preoccupied with my best friends, Netflix and Hulu. Just joking! Well, sort of. Here's this week's topic!~

Q: So, Jackie, how's Inkscape?
A: It's been great! But, Mr.Interviewer, I haven't used Inkscape since last year! (I've moved on to Blender)

Q: Haha, that's funny. Seriously, how's Inkscape?
A: If you were paying ATTENTION, I secretly whispered to the crowd that I've moved on to Blender. And what is Blender you ask? According to their official website, t's a free and open source 3D animation suite. That means ANYONE can use it!

Q: Oh, umm alright. . . Well, I'm searching it up right now, and it looks really complicated. Are there any shortcuts? Mouse shortcuts, in particular?
A: Of course! So there are 3 shortcuts IF you have a mouse.
- Panning: Middle Scroll button + Shift + dragging mouse
- Rotating: Middle Scroll button + dragging mouse around
- Zooming: Scroll the Middle button (obviously, right?)

Q: So can you reflect on this little project for everyone? I mean, we're all curious.
A: Aww, I'm flattered! Well, I learned A LOT about animation and what goes on behind the scenes. I'll tell you this I don't want to be an animator or something. *audible gasp from crowd* Woah, wait, I'm sorry, but it's not my thing! To be honest, it's really interesting and sometimes I get challenged; but I swear, there will never be a time where I don't have a migraine while working on such projects. I know I've probably discouraged all of you, but I promise, if you are totally into Digital Arts, you'll have DA fun time ;D

Happy New Year, guys! Talk to ya soon!

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