I'm back, people! So here's another post for my DA class. Sorry I haven't been posting up stuff about life and sophomore experiences - promise on the River Styx I'll get started on that soon! Any who, here's yet another DA post to satisfy your hunger for extra blog posts! Sorry if you don't want extra blog posts, classy people - I'm actually enjoying this blog and I intend to keep it after this course is over. Don't worry, I'll post up cool things going on in my life; or maybe they won't be as cool because I'm quite average. Sorry, sorry, I'm stalling because this is going to be extra lame. So with that, we shall commence the post!
Creating Artwork
In general, I'm not a creative person. Yes, I can imagine things and TRY - codeword is TRY - to convey them through emotions and stories, but I'm not a great storyteller or a very emotional person so they usually suck. But nonetheless, I have a wide imagination, according to some sources (Thanks mom and Hazel!). Although I'm not as creative, I do like art. I'm not some art fanatic who goes gaga over new art designs and such, but I do like looking at art. It's awesome how someone can make a 2D painting look 3D. But it's even cooler that I - I'm stressing that 'I' right there - get to create my own type of art! Of course, using "Bevels"!
Bevels... What are bevels, you ask? Well, dear reader, bevels are effects that make a 2D object look 3D. Fascinating, isn't it?!
There are 5 commands that I personally used to create the latest Inkscape project:
1. Blur
2. Fill & Stroke (That's basically like paint)
3. Gradient (Adds this cool colour effect)
4. Path (Used to distort shape)
5. Color & Shapes! (Can't forget the most important ingredient!)
So, the overall experience? It was pretty easy to make, and the product looked really cool! I'm telling you, I'm not an artsy person, but this project made me feel like Picasso. . . Or maybe not Picasso because he's TOO talented. Also, this project could help YOU - if you want to make this, or if you already did, dear person. Now you're probably thinking, "Wow Jackie, really? How can this help me, huh??" Do not fret, eager beaver! This could actually enhance your critical thinking skills. To be extra, vir-specific, it'll help you think more - exercise your brain! Obviously, I'm not going to give you the steps to make this; you're going to have to THINK about how you're going to create this wondrous project! That's right, make that brain work!
See you later, lovelies!
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