Friday, October 17, 2014

That "No posts" Sign Irritates Me

As cliché as it sounds, I guess I have to introduce myself to all the readers out there. So, my name's Jaqueline (That's not a misspelling, there is literally no 'c' in my name) Doctor, but people call me Jackie because Jaqueline sounds too sophisticated and uptight - no offense to the other Jaqueline's out there, I bet you guys are all sophisticatedly wonderful... Other things about me, born and raised on a small island called Saipan, been a knight for basically my whole life, and living life with a bunch of kewl kids from the same school.

Alright, so just like the other blogs you've probably stalked, this is for my Digital Arts class. I'm apologizing in advance because my posts are probably going to be really lame or really, REALLY random - Sorry, I lied, I'm not extraordinary; just extraordinarily short and weird. Hopefully my oddities satisfy your cravings for something new and entertaining.

Cheers to a new blog!

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